Lessons my dog is teaching me and I don’t want to learn

1st of May 2022, my boyfriend and I got a dog. His name is Mocca McDroopy. Little did I know what I was getting myself into.

Inmaculada Ortiz
4 min readMar 1, 2023
Daniel (BF), Mocca and myself celebrating my birthday

During these 10 months, I’ve gone through quite some challenges with this cute little puppy. I’m not including my boyfriend in the equation because he has a very different way to perceive life events. He’s more like that piece of wood that floats calmly in the ocean when there’s a storm. I’m the drowning sailor.

I say it has been challenging because Mocca is trying to teach me more than one lesson. But sometimes I’m not quite sure if I’m ready to learn them.

I’ve collected them for a while. So, now you gotta keep reading :)

  1. My dog is not a robot, just as I’m not a robot.

I get quite frustrated when he doesn’t maintain the same level of obedience and performance.
For a long period he behaves like the perfect dog: walking by my side, coming when I call him, being chill… and suddenly, out of nowhere, he starts acting like a maniac. Why? God knows. But I’m angry.
Guess what? I also get frustrated with myself for the same reason. I expect to have the same level of performance, commitment, energy, socialization, proactivity, [insert noun] at all times. Impossible job.

2. I can’t control what will happen next.

So, why did he start behaving like this? I would give you money if you tell me the real reason. Is he sick? Is it the hormones? Is he just being a puppy? Will it get better?
If I know the reason behind it, I can act on it.
For those who know me a little better, you know I struggle with uncertainty. So what do I do? I try to control. I neeeeeeed to know.
Good luck, right?

3. Whatever mood I have, my dog will have. And it’s terrifying to see my own restlessness mirrored back at me.

Here’s a funny story. When Mocca and my boyfriend are alone, Mocca is generally quite chill. Mocca sleeps while Daniel plays computer games.
On the other hand, when I’m alone with him (normally on Sundays), he will just not stop following me, squirming, whining, and expecting something fun to happen.
What’s scary is that he’s just showing me some of my best traits. I cannot sit down and do nothing. It’s a constant “what’s next?”.

4. It’s okay to do nothing and rest, and I should allow that to myself.

If Mocca does it, my boyfriend does it, and other people do it. Why can’t I?
Because my worth is based on what I do and not on who I am.

5. Having fixed expectations (normally) only leads to disappointment.

I have certain expectations about how things are going to be. And this is because I’ve played the whole movie in my head already (the control, remember?).
In my written plan he will be fully potty-trained in two weeks, walk like a boss before he’s 1 year old, and not bark when we get visitors.
What happens when inevitably those things don’t occur? I think I’m failing.
But really… since when was progress linear?

6. I have to enjoy the process and celebrate the (not-so-small) victories.

Coming back to point number 4… if my worth is based on what I achieve, then my life is sadly reduced to a list of accomplishments.
Did I enjoy the process? Most likely not. Because my eye is on the finishing line.
Then when I achieve certain things, I get a temporary high and immediately move on to the next mission.
I do this in my private life and I do the same with Mocca. Many things I once wanted from him I now have and don’t truly appreciate them.

Isn’t this a very sad way to end this article? Probably but I don’t really have a happy ending here.
Am I aware of everything that I wrote above? Absolutely.
Is it difficult to change? Hell yeah.

The only thing I can do to lighten the mood now is to show you how cute he was when I picked him up.

My face says it all



Inmaculada Ortiz

I write about Design Ops (Ops!…I Did It Again) and other random things that keep me up at night